In this topic, you study the definition & types of secondary cell or Rechargeable Battery.
A cell in which the chemical and physical states of the electrodes and electrolyte may be restored by charging is called the secondary cell or storage cell or rechargeable battery. It can otherwise be stated that the secondary cell is one in which the random material can be brought back to original state by passing the Current in reverse direction i.e., charging, These cells are of two types:
- Lead acid cell.
- Alkaline cell. These are of two types:
(a) NiFe cell.
(b) NiCd cell.
Characteristics. The characteristics of the secondary cells are as
- Completely reversible reaction — It should be able to convert complete chemical energy into electrical energy in case Of discharging and the electrical energy into chemical energy while charging.
- It should have low internal resistance.
- It should have higher efficiency.
- The e.m.f. per cell should be fairly constant.
- It should have high storage capacity.
- It should have good mechanical strength.
- It should have long life.
- The cost in no case be very high.