In this topic, you study Applications of Thyristors.
After semiconductor diodes and transistors were introduced in control applications, in addition to their compactness, thyristors had the advantages of being very fast in response, highly reliable and efficient. They require lesser power for operation and less maintenance. Advancement in the fabrication techniques further led to the reduction in their cost and suitable for use in various control applications. Some of the important applications of thyristors are as under :
- In speed control of AC and DC motors.
- In temperature level control, position and illumination controllers (light dimmers).
- In AC and DC circuit breakers.
- In variable frequency DC-AC inverters.
- In variable voltage DC-DC converters.
- In variable frequency AC-AC converters.
- In variable voltage AC-DC rectifiers.
- In HVDC transmission lines.
- For improvement of power factor in transmission lines.
- For other specific controllers such as choppers, dual converters, cyclo converters etc.