In this topic, you study the Difference Between Primary Cell and Secondary Cell.
The differences between the primary and secondary cells as :
Primary cell
- The e.m,f. is induced as soon as its components are assembled.
- If discharged cannot be recharged again.
- It cannot work continuously for long time,
- These are light in weight.
- The life is short.
- It has higher intemal resistance.
- These are Voltaic, Lachlanche, Dry, Bunsen, Danial, Bichromate, Standard cell,
Secondary cell
- The e.m.f. and current is available if it is charged.
- If discharged can be recharged again with its old components.
- It can work continuously for a long time.
- They are heavy.
- It has long life.
- The internal resistance is comparatively low.
- These are lead acid cells, NiFe cells, NiCd cells.