What is Electric Current? – Definition & Unit

In this topic, you study the definition and unit of an electric current.

The flow of electrons is called electric current. It’s unit is ampere and is measured by the instrument known as ampere meter or ammeter. It is represented by the letter I.

One ampere

It is the amount of current established when one volt of electric pressure is applied to a resistance of one ohm or one ampere of current is said to flow through a wire if in any section 628 x 106 electrons pass in one second. Since 628 x 106 electrons are equal to one coulomb, so it can otherwise be defined as if one coulomb of charge per second flows through any section of a conductor, then one ampere current is said to flow.

International Ampere

It is that amount of current which when flowing through a solution Of silver nitrate deposits silver at the rate of 0.001118 gm/sec on the cathode.

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