What is Potential Difference? Definition & Unit

In this topic, you study the definition of the Potential Difference.

It is also represents as P.D. It is defined as the difference of potential which exists between two points of circuit. It can otherwise be defined as the difference of potential measured between the terminals of source of supply. The unit of potential difference is volts. E.M.F. is always greater than PD. It is represented by letter V and measured in volts. So P.D. = E.M.F. – Voltage drop inside the source of supply. It is measured by the instrument known as the volt meter.

One volt: One volt is that much of electric pressure which is required to send a current Of one ampere through a resistance of one Ohm.

What is Electromotive Force?

It is also expressed by e.m.f. The electromotive force is the force which makes the electric current to flow through a circuit. This can be defined the force which compels the electrons to move. The unit of e.m.f. is volts. It cannot be measured but can be calculated or compared. The e.m.f. can be calculated as the voltage measured plus the voltage drops. It is represented by the letter E.

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