Average of array elements C program

It’s an average of array elements C program that inputs numbers from the user, and stores these numbers in an array, then find the average of all array elements using the loop, and print result on the screen.

To understand this program, it’s better you should know the following topics: Continue reading Average of array elements C program

Minimum element in an array C program

It’s the smallest element or minimum element in an array C program that inputs numbers from the user, and stores these numbers in an array, then using the minimum element algorithm to find the minimum element in an array, and print result on the screen.

To understand this program, it’s better you should know the following topics: Continue reading Minimum element in an array C program

Maximum element in an array C program

It’s the largest element or maximum element in an array C program that inputs numbers from the user, and stores these numbers in an array, then using the maximum element algorithm to find the maximum element in an array, and print result on the screen.

To understand this program, it’s better you should know the following topics: Continue reading Maximum element in an array C program

Check positive, negative or zero number C program

It’s a positive, negative or zero number C program that inputs any number from the user, then check its a positive number, negative number or zero and print result on the screen.

To understand this program, it’s better you should know the following topics: Continue reading Check positive, negative or zero number C program