Norton’s Theorem in electric circuits

After reading this Norton’s theorem topic of electric or network circuits, you will understand the theory, and also able to apply it in ac and dc circuits numerical problems.

Norton’s theorem states that for two terminal network NA containing linear & bidirectional elements and independent sources is equivalent to a simple network containing an independent current source IN (called as Norton current) in parallel with the resistance RN (called as Norton resistance). The Norton equivalent circuit for network NA shown below in Figure 1.

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Superposition Theorem in electric circuits

After reading this Superposition theorem topic of electric or network circuits, you will understand the theory, limitations, also able to apply it in ac and dc circuits numerical problems.

Superposition theorem states that in a linear bilateral network containing more than one independent source, the response in any element is the sum of the response obtained with one source acting at a time and other source being deactivated. Deactivation means all the independent sources are replaced by their internal resistances i.e. voltage source replaced by a short circuit and current source replaced by an open circuit while retaining all the dependent sources as they are.

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AC supply to Pure Inductor

After reading this AC supply to pure inductor topic of electric or network circuits, you will understand the theory, waveforms, inductive reactance, phasor, formula, & also voltage, current, power calculation.

Voltage and Current Relationship

Let us consider a circuit having inductor L supplied by an ac source voltage $v(t)$ which produce a sinusoidal current $i(t)$ as shown in Figure 1 is

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MATLAB xlabel

The xlabel command put the label on the x-axis of the plot, after reading this MATLAB xlabel topic, you will know the theory, and examples, and you will understand how to use it in MATLAB.



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MATLAB ylabel

The ylabel command put the label on the y-axis of the plot, after reading this MATLAB ylabel topic, you will know the theory, and examples, and you will understand how to use it in MATLAB.


ylabel(‘text as string’)

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This command adds or removes grid lines to the plot, after reading this MATLAB grid topic, you will know the theory, and examples, and you will understand how to use it in MATLAB.


grid on 
grid off

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This command creates an array of all ones, after reading this MATLAB ones topic, you will know the theory, and examples, and you will understand how to create a matrix with all elements one in MATLAB.



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