What is Strain Gauge Accelerometer? Working Principle, Construction & Diagram

Strain Gauge Accelerometer

Fig. 1: Strain Gauge Accelerometer.

Working Principle of Strain Gauge Accelerometer

When acceleration to be measured is applied to a cantilever beam whose movable end is attached to a seismic mass, the mass vibrates, which causes the cantilever beam to deflect and get strained. This strain is proportional to the vibrational displacement of the seismic mass and hence the applied acceleration.

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What is Data Acquisition System? Explanation & Block Diagram

Data Acquisition System is a group of various devices that are combined in an orderly fashion to perform necessary operations on relevant data. Usually a data acquisition system is an assembly of sensors/transducers, signal conditioners, data conversion, data handling, data processing units, multiplexing circuits, data transmission, data storage and data display systems.

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What is Thermal Imaging (or Thermography)? Working Principle, Block Diagram & Applications

Thermal imaging or thermography is a technique of scanning the infrared radiation emitted from an object. The collected information is processed and a graphical output showing the temperature distribution across the object is provided. It is possible to measure temperature which lies between – 20° C to +1500° C. The elements of the thermal imaging system are shown in figure 1.

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