What is Reheat Cycle? Process, Derivation, Diagram & Efficiency

The efficiency of Rankine cycle can also be increased by reheating the steam. In reheat cycle, the steam in the turbine is expanded in number of stages. After partial expansion of steam in high pressure turbine, it is reheated to the initial temperature at constant pressure in reheated. This reheated steam is further expanded in low pressure turbines. The process of reheating is shown in figure (1).

Reheat Cycle

Figure 1: Reheat Cycle.

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What is Diesel Cycle? Process, Derivation, Diagram & Efficiency

Diesel cycle cycle is also known as constant pressure heat addition cycle as heat is added to the cycle at constant pressure. This cycle consists of four processes.

1. Isentropic compression process
2. Constant pressure heat addition process
3. Isentropic expansion process
4. Constant volume heat rejection process.

The representation of diesel cycle on P-V and T-s diagram is shown in below figure 1,

Diesel Cycle

Figure 1: Diesel Cycle.

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What is Otto Cycle? Process, Derivation, Diagram & Efficiency

Otto cycle is the ideal cycle for petrol and gas engines. It is also known as constant volume air cycle. This cycle consists of four processes. They are,

  1. Reversible adiabatic compression
  2. Constant volume heat addition process
  3. Reversible adiabatic expansion
  4. Constant volume heat rejection process.

The P-V and T-s diagrams of the cycle (see Figure 1),

Otto Cycle

Figure 1: Otto Cycle.

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