After reading the MATLAB Matrix topic, you will understand how to create and manipulate Matrix in MATLAB.

A MATLAB-vector is a one-dimensional array whereas matrix is a two-dimensional array of numbers. Square brackets are used for defining Vector and Matrix in MATLAB. The semi-colon is used within the square brackets for separating the rows. Space or comma used within the square brackets for separating the elements. Continue reading MATLAB Matrix

MATLAB Simulink

After reading the MATLAB Simulink topic, you will know how to create a new Simulink model in MATLAB, and you will also understand how to take full advantages of given Simulink library browser for your application using MATLAB.

It is a graphical, mouse-driven program that allows modeling of various systems and their analysis. For modeling a system, various blocks along with graphical user interface (GUI) provided by Simulink. Using Simulink, you create a system simply by placing blocks and connect them using wires and also analyze the system.   Continue reading MATLAB Simulink

MATLAB Image Processing

After reading the MATLAB image processing topic, you will able to solve problems on modifying images in MATLAB, and you will also understand how to image resize, image rotate, image display, cropping an image using MATLAB.

MATLAB stores image as a two-dimensional array, i.e. in matrices form. The pixel in the image represents each element of matrices. Continue reading MATLAB Image Processing