Employee Engagement Factors

The factors that affect or influence the employee engagement are mentioned below:

Employee Engagement Factors

Competition from other options: When employees who are unsatisfied with their current job and profile then they keep their search on for a better job option. Outsider influence and jobs from competitive firms affect the commitment and dedication Of employees in their current job. Therefore, job options and jobs with better compensation greatly influence the employee engagement. With an intention to earn more, few employees also work as a part-time job or freelancer for other organisations which ultimately results in low commitment in their current job. Therefore, to maintain employee’s commitment, employer must offer better opportunity to grow, positive work environment and good remuneration to employees.

Family and Social Obligations: Employees and workers working in organisation are human who possess family and friends. There are different situations in life which drains people emotionally and emotionally unsound workers are unable to show their greater work engagement. For example, if a worker is having an ill member in family then most of his/her energy will be consumed in taking care of ill member of family. Therefore at work, that person will be unable to deliver greater performance.

Job Responsibility and Work Relationships: Different people have different passion in life. Therefore, they prefer such profile which can help them to explore their passion. For example, when an employee is passionate with cooking then he/she will prefer to work in some restaurant. Further, employees bonding with their colleague also have greater impact on performance. Employees who value their colleague are expected to be more dedicated in order to achieve organisational goal.

Career Development Opportunities: A better career opportunity is another important factor affecting employee engagement. Employee’s commitment and dedication enhances when they realise that employer is paying due concern to the career development Of their employee.

Flexible: Flexible work hours plays an important role in enhancing employee engagement. Few employers give many options to employee that they can work around the regular timing (they can come early at work if they have to leave early or they can came late and work for hours after regular working time) or they can also choose the option to work from home. This option is very beneficial for those employees who are single parents and have to take care of their kids.

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