In the Regenerator heat exchanger, the hot and cold fluids are made to flow alternatively through the same space. When hot fluid flows through the space, it gives away heat energy, which is stored in the space in the form of internal energy. This energy is then transferred to the cold fluid, which then flows through the same space. This cycle repeats giving periodic heat exchange. Hence, the heat exchanger is also known as ‘Periodic Heat exchanger’.
What is Silicon Controlled Switch (SCS)? Working, Symbol & Construction
A silicon controlled switch is abbreviated as SCR. It is a unilateral four layer silicon device with four electrodes, namely anode, cathode, anode gate and cathode gate. It is a member of thyristor family. It is a unidirectional device.
What is DIAC? Working, Symbol, Construction, Characteristics & Applications
The DIAC is an abbreviation for Diode AC semiconductor switch. The prefix ‘Di’ indicates, that the device has two terminals like diode. ‘AC’ means that the device controls the alternating current (a.c.) or can conduct current in either direction. In the thyristor family, the DIAC is used most commonly as a triggering device to trigger the TRIACs.
What is Cooling Tower? Working, Diagram, Types, Advantages & Disadvantages
Cooling Tower is a direct heat exchanger, through which heat of the water is transferred to the atmospheric air. The water is cooled up to the wet bulb temeperature of air (see Figure 1). The rate of evaporation depends on the following factors.
What is Centrifugal Pump? Working, Parts, Diagram & Types
In a centrifugal pump, the fluid is rotated with high speed, to rise beyond the restricted walls of the casing by means of centrifugal action of impeller. Then the liquid flow out.
What is Vortex Tube Refrigeration? Working, Diagram & Advantages
Figure 1: Vortex Tube Refrigeration System
Vortex tube refrigeration System is employed for producing both cooling and heating effects. It comprises of compressor, nozzle, throttle valve and pipe.
What is Zenith Carburetor? Working & Diagram
Zenith carburetor is the most popular carburetor used in modem automobiles. It consists of a jet, throttle valve, venturi, choke, adjusting knob, float chamber etc., as shown in below figure 1.
What is Axial Flow Compressor? Working, Construction & Diagram
An axial flow compressor consists of adjacent rows of fixed (stator) and moving (rotor) blades. A set of fixed and moving blades is called as a stage of compressor. In this type of compressor, the flow of air is in axial direction of the machine. The fixed or stator blades are fixed to the casing and the moving of rotor blades are mounted on the rotating drum as shown in figure 1.
What is Hydraulic Load Cell? Working, Diagram, Advantages & Disadvantages
Figure 1: Hydraulic Load Cell.
The principle of operation of hydraulic load cell is when a force is applied on a liquid medium, the pressure of the liquid increases. This increase in pressure is a measure of the applied force when calibrated. The figure 1 shows the basic schematic representation of hydraulic load cell. It is also known as a hydraulic plunger.
What is Mechanical Torsion Meter? Working & Diagram
Figure 1: Mechanical Torsion Meter.
Mechanical torsion meter contains a shaft mounted between two drums and two flanges. One drum is provided with a torque calibrated scale and the other has a pointer (see Figure 1).