What is Electrical Braking? Meaning, Types & Advantages

In many practical applications, it is necessary to stop the motor quickly than quick starting. Delay in starting a motor keeps machinery idle causing no adverse effects. But a delay in stopping a motor can cause heavy damage to equipments arid even loss of life of operator. Hence electric braking is important which stops the electric machines quickly than the mechanical brakes.

In electric braking, the stored energy in the rotating parts of an electric machine is converted into electrical energy and dissipated by the resistance in the form of heat or returned back to the supply.

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What is Design for Manufacturing (DFM)? Process, Block Diagram & Advantages

Design for manufacturing ¡s a new technique of designing. Manufacturability of PCBs depends upon its design. In a normal manufacturing process data flows only in one direction, i.e., ‘from design to manufacturing’ but DFM ensures that the date flows ‘from manufacturing to design’ also. This gives improved manufacturability of a board.

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Dynamometer type instrument – Working, Diagram & Construction

In Dynamometer type instruments, the permanent magnet used in moving coil permanent magnet instruments is replaced by either one or two fixed coils which carry the current to be measured (or current proportional to voltage to be measured) and which are connected either in series or in parallel with the moving coil. The coils are usually air cored, the use of iron being usually avoided in such instruments owing to its introduction of hysteresis and eddy current and other errors.

When the instrument is used for A.C. measurements, the general arrangement is shown in Fig. 1. and the connection diagram is shown in Fig. 2.

Dynamometer type instrument

Fig. 1: Dynamometer type instrument (Actual construction)

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